Cooking with Seaweed

  Sugested Recipes


Algae – The Food of the Future on

Algae are being named the food of the future that will help feeding our growing population. Whether it be for its health qualities or sustainability factor, algae or seaweed's popularity is increasing worldwide. This 'sea vegetable' is steadily finding its way into more and more kitchens.


Cooking with Kelp: Stonington Kelp Co.

Sugar kelp has the highest natural sugar content of the kelp species and is actually an excellent addition to baking. It brings an umami flavor that enhances the other flavors in your dish. This is a lovely video of a wild harvester sharing a seaweed enhanced Chocolate Barney Cheesecake along with a Lemon Polenta Cake.

French Chef Leads a Cooking Class Focused on Seaweed: Monterey Bay Seaweeds

Chef Thibault Lescuyer, leads a small cooking class on how to cook with seaweeds. He outlines how to cook with fresh and dried seaweeds and how they are being incorporated in French restaurants in the video below


How Chef Jacob Harth Harvests and Cooks Wild Seaweed – Deep Dive: Eater

On this episode of ‘Deep Dive,’ Portland chef Jacob Harth takes us through the different types of seaweed that grows off the Oregon coast. He then harvests and dries them, and makes a seaweed broth.

Seaweed: The Vegetable that Has it All – Top Chefs Talk about Tomorrow’s Sustainable Superfood: WWF International

Top chefs talk about tomorrow's sustainable superfood; seaweed.